I will donate 100% of my royalties from the sale of all PAPERBACK copies of my novel “Beneath the Lion’s Wings” ordered between November 17, 2019 and December 26, 2019. Purchasing a PAPERBACK copy of “Beneath the Lion’s Wings” at $14.99/€13.80 for yourself, for someone else or as a holiday gift will see your donation go to “DURI I BANCHI” a grassroots group collaborating with the Venetian citizens organization Venessia.com. All funds will go directly and ENTIRELY to Venetian families struck by the exceptional high tides of this past week.
Together we can help Venice and her residents get back on their feet!
Order a PAPERBACK copy of Beneath The Lion's Wings and 100% of the royalties will go to Venetians in need via Duri I Banchi Grazie!